Bamboo Wipes $7.95 $4.99 Shop now

Plant Wipes $5.95 $4.37 Shop Now

Haleco Nappies $39.95 $34.76 Shop now

Pandas Nappies $18.95 $12.02 Shop now

Trial Packs 60% Off | Shop now

Bamboo Wipes $7.95 $4.99 Shop now

Plant Wipes $5.95 $4.37 Shop Now

Haleco Nappies $39.95 $34.76 Shop now

Pandas Nappies $18.95 $12.02 Shop now

Trial Packs 60% Off | Shop now

Bamboo Wipes $7.95 $4.99 Shop now

Plant Wipes $5.95 $4.37 Shop Now

Haleco Nappies $39.95 $34.76 Shop now

Pandas Nappies $18.95 $12.02 Shop now

Trial Packs 60% Off | Shop now

The Importance of No Nasties

May 04, 2023

No nasties is bit of a buzz word at the moment. So what’s all the hype?

You’ve probably already figured out that we are firm believers that chemicals are dangerous to children and creating products that are free of those is why we do what we do. Here’s a few scientific reasons why we are passionate about using all natural ingredients and keeping nasties away!

no nasties eco plant wipes

Babies are born with sensitive, thinner skin than we have as adults. This means that their skin is more permeable so essentially, whatever is on their skin is going into their blood stream. Yikes!

mother holding baby in eco nappy

Children under four do not have the ability to eliminate toxins from their bodies. Their organs are still under-developed so they are more sensitive to chemicals.

Small children take in more of their environment than adults do. They breathe more in oxygen, drink more, and absorb everything more. Any chemical that is on their skin soaks in and affects them on a higher level than it would affect an adult.

baby wearing eco disposable bamboo nappy

Our children deserve the very best.
Products loaded with hidden chemicals
that can cause long-term damage just isn’t good enough.

Baby product companies are getting sneakier about hiding chemicals in products. Marketing can be very misleading using words like “sensitive” and “hypoallergenic” but still being riddled with toxins. Naming and shaming isn’t our style but it’s safe to say that most big-name baby products contain these harmful chemicals. Here’s three of the main chemical offenders to look out for!

 1) Fragrance

This is the biggest and trickiest one because fragrance is in everythiiiing! The danger is that fragrance is packed with toxic chemicals (often unlabelled). Luvme was very intentional making our wipes fragrance-free to eliminate that extra dose of chemicals on your baby’s sensitive skin.

 2) Phthalates

Most disposable nappies contain phthalates. Phthalates are known to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they mimic human hormones and send false signals to the body. Not what we want for our babies!

3) Propylene Glycol

This chemical is often found in baby wipes. It’s a form of mineral oil and is petroleum based. It is a penetration enhancer so it makes other ingredients (chemicals) penetrate into skin more quickly. It’s also a known skin irritant…. Increasing nappy rash!


mum's & babies eco nappies

Another option is that instead of having to look out for hidden chemicals, it’s worth choosing products from a brand that you can trust. Luvme nappies and wipes are free of any nasties because we care about what is going into your baby’s skin and into their precious bodies!

pandas eco bamboo disposable nappies

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