CLEARANCE SALE | Everything Must Go! Shop Now


CLEARANCE SALE | Everything Must Go! Shop Now


CLEARANCE SALE | Everything Must Go! Shop Now

March 08, 2024 5 min read



Dear Daughter of Mine,

I’ll never forget the moment they announced, “It’s a girl.” My heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. A no-matter-what-kind-of-love filled my soul as I victoriously seized you up onto my chest, my forever girl. My mind was quiet as I soaked you in and yet simultaneously filled with clamour as I pondered the truths I longed for you to know instantly about womanhood, love, friendship and life.

You were more than I could have ever hoped for in this life and yet I hope for more for you.

I hope that you would know that your worth can’t be changed.

There is no mistake you can make, opinion of another, words spoken over you, embarrassing moment, failure, rejection, setback, hurt or pain that can take away from your worth.

There is no clothing size, style or brand, no amount of likes or comments or followers, no skin routine, perfect grade, highest score or fastest time, length of eye lashes or boyfriend that can add to your worth.

Despite what the world might tell you, you’re not too much and you’re not too little. You’re spot on. Exactly how you are supposed to be. The fact is that your worth was set immeasurably high from the moment you existed. No need to hide yourself, shrink down, stay in the shadows or sit on the sideline.

You are worthy to take up space in this world. You are worthy of a voice. You are worthy of being on the field because you are glorious, and this life is meant to be too!

I hope you’ll find your most favourite version of you.

The truth is that you could be the tastiest donut in the world and there will still be someone who doesn’t like donuts. So donut go changing for anyone. Don’t spend your life trying to make other people happy. You are not responsible for someone else’s happiness. That’s on them. Appreciate what is yours, embrace your uniqueness and surround yourself with a tribe who calls out the gold in you and leaves you feeling safer and more confident in who you are.

Don’t stop chasing down dreams and making time to pursue the things that make you feel alive. Take notice of those whispering, inspired ideas. Create that thing. Start that project. Take that first step.
World changer.

I hope you’ll keep your heart soft.

Write thank you notes. Don’t gossip. Come alongside the lonely. Smile. Apologise fast. Forgive fast. Be generous. Let your kindness be one of the first things people notice. Let compassion be your default and care be your rhythm. Remember, it takes being a good friend to have one.

At the end of the day, you’d rather have someone tell you “You have a pretty heart” a million times over than say “You are pretty.”

I hope you’ll find your courage.

The kind of courage that stands up for what’s right and true, even if your voice shakes. I hope you’ll find a courage that allows you to walk away from situations that don’t serve you and that gives you the power to say no or not right now. The type of courage that allows you to change a space, the atmosphere around you – for the better. This kind of courage will be there when it takes all of you just to get out of bed. Show up. Stand up. Ask for help. Step out.

Courage looks different for everyone, but gosh it looks good on you.

I hope you’ll understand that your beauty has nothing to do with what you see in the mirror.

Your beauty is found in the way you speak; the words you choose, being like sweet honey to those around you. I trust you’ll come to know that your beauty is found in the way you make people feel and the footprints you leave behind.

No, your beauty is not fickle or shallow. It runs deep, Soul deep.

It is laid in foundations that do not wrinkle or age; courage, strength, grace, kindness, honesty, goodness. Your beauty, my darling, will not be weighed down by pretty, cute or sexy. No, it won’t be defined by your shell.
Pursue a purpose over the perfect pout or pose.

Break out of that box, stretch the mould.
Your beauty is inherent. Your be-auty is in the be-ing.

I hope that your life will be more.

More books. More open skies. More calm. More people. More listening. More gratefulness. More patience. More joy. More intimacy. More intention. More forgiveness. More belly-laughs. More surrender. More growing. More life. More adventure. More courage. More love.

And less.
Less scrolling. Less ceilings. Less things. Less entitlement. Less insecurity. Less haste. Less comfort. Less conflict. Less comparison. Less distance. Less control. Less distractions. Less self.

I hope that you won’t ever lose your wonder.

The kind that knocks your socks off as you stand gazing up in awe at the star-lit sky. The type of wonder that leaves you walking up the beach with eyes red from diving under every wave with them open; just to see the blue. I hope that you will always linger a little longer as the sun sinks low. That you will rise to greet the dawn and revel in beautiful morning birdsong.

The cowry on the beach.
Cold water when you’re parched.
The ache in your muscles.
The way the air smells when spring is near.
Campfire hair.
Baking the perfect cake.
I hope that you’ll marvel at the strength and resilience of the vessel that is your body; it’s ability to change, grow and carry you through all the seasons of your life. Sometimes life’s most incredible miracles are right in front of our very own eyes.

Lastly, I hope you know that I’m in your corner, always. When the good fight gets hard and you get tired, I’ll be there. When you get up again, come out swinging and land up on top, I’ll be popping the bottles.
You’re my forever girl and I’m your forever biggest fan.

This world needs all of you.

My mighty, strong, glorious, soft, curious, brave, kind, delight-full, fiery, gentle, glimmery beauty of a girl.



About the writer

Meet Emma. (pictured above) Emma is the founder of Pippin Girl - a life-changing brand she has created to teach and empower young girls to know their worth, find their strength and grow into strong women. As much as she's a fierce advocate for empowering teens, Emma is also an educator, author and speaker - she is MANY things! 

In celebration of International Women's Day this year, we had Emma partner with us to write this heartfelt letter to all the mothers, carers and young women out there. We hope this letter helps heal open wounds, mend broken hearts and inspire you to do the same for your own children - spoken or written!

"My own teen years were filled with self-doubt, comparison, insecurities, bad relationships, and some terrible decisions...and I didn't have Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok flooding my brain and stealing my joy! It's a whole new ball game, being a teen right now. For all the difficulties I experienced, I learnt so much through my teen years. Oh, have I learnt! I wish I had asked more questions, listened more, valued myself more, thought more deeply before jumping into relationships, and taken better care of my body and my heart. 

There are so many things I wish someone had said to me. So many things I wish I knew." 

If you're interested in finding out more about Emma and all the wonderful things she is doing through Pippin Girl you can find her over at the following:

Check out the Pippin Girl website here
Follow Pippin Girl's Instagram here


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