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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

April 11, 2023 3 min read

If you think that you don’t really have a use for wet bags, think again! I’m a mum of three and I am finalllly at the point where nappies are no longer a thing in our house (hallelujah!) I’ve been surprised that even though nappies aren’t in the picture anymore, a wet bag (or 20!) is still a must! Here’s some places and ways that I use our Pandas eco wet bags!

Wet Dry Bag 


Life is full of unexpected surprises (some fun, some not!) so using a wet bag to pack an emergency stash is a great way to be prepared! I can fit a change of clothes (including undies because you never know!) for each of my three kids into one wet bag, as well as a pack of bamboo wipes for any messes. I keep this in the boot of my car for easy access!



Our Pandas wet bag is a lifesaver at the beach! I like to have two wet bags, one for a dry change of clothes and one for wet togs. This avoids the chaos that ensues when the wet clothes get dumped on the dry clothes! Such an easy little system that saves a lot of frustration.


Wet dry bag and swim nappies 


Wet bags are incredibly useful when packing for a holiday! You can organize kids’ outfits into the bags so it’s nice and simple each day. They are amazing for toiletries that might still be wet from the shower or have the potential to leak. Also, dirty shoes fit so well in the wet bags.



Post-gym, sweaty gym clothes aren’t a pleasant thing! Our Pandas wet bags come in plain colours that are perfect to pop your sweaty clothes into after your work out. Then they can go straight into the washing machine (bag included!)



My son uses our Luvme wet bag as a library book bag! The water-proofness of the bag ensures that even if his water bottle leaks, his library book will be safe and dry.

I also pop one in my son’s backpack for when he has swimming at school (rather than a Coles bag!) because it zips up and that way, we don’t run the risk of his wet togs and swim cap making everything else in his bag damp. The clip-on handles make it easy to clip on to the outside of the backpack too.


How to use Wet Bags 

Day Care

My daughter often has water/ messy play at day care and she used to come home with her clothes in a plastic bag. I’m not a fan of single use plastic so the Pandas wet bag is ideal! It’s easy to zip up and traps in mess. It goes straight into the washing machine after day care, easy as!


After School Activities

I always throw a wet bag in before swimming lessons because there’s nothing worse than dripping wet swimmers in the bottom of your bag. Sometimes there’s just too many things to remember! Another great use for a wet bag is to keep all the sports gear together. A soccer uniform, shin guards, soccer socks, and boots all fit in one wet bag, making it easier to get out the door.



If your kids are anything like mine, keeping their toys organised is not a top priority! There’s so many little pieces and toys that just need to be contained somewhere. Cue the wet bag! Another great use for the wet bag is for storing board puzzles so the pieces don’t get lost.

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