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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

April 13, 2023 2 min read

I’m convinced that one of the very best parts of being a mum is being the bringer of the magic… that moment when you see their little eyes light up with wonder and excitement..

We all have those memories, you know the ones, that you look back on to your own childhood with fondness; those are the core ones that last a lifetime. I’ve been a mum for the last almost 9 years and I’ve noticed that more than anything, children want our time and attention. The kind of undivided attention where phones aren’t in the picture, and they can feel that they really are your whole world.


Here’s five simple ideas to spark that little bit of magic that will last a lifetime.  

*These ideas are geared to children older than toddlers so if you have younger children, file these ideas away for when they are a little bit older or another option is to adapt them to their level.  

Take Them Stargazing 

There’s nothing more wonder-inducing than laying under an inky sky that’s covered in twinkling stars. Snuggled side by side on a picnic blanket, conversations just flow. It’s amazing how looking at the stars can make you feel so small, and so big at the same time. Seeing that shooting star for the first time is a memory they will never forget!  

stargaze with your little one


Break A Few Rules 

Kids love breaking rules and let’s be honest, who doesn’t? Choose an afternoon and let them break aaaaall the rules! A little extra sugar and fun won’t kill them… it’s the stuff childhood dreams are made of!  


Build a Cubby Together 

It really is the simple things that matter most and are the most fun! We did this recently as a family and my three kids loved it! We gathered a bunch of blankets and chairs made a cubby in the living room. It was fun to get creative and try to build the most elaborate cubby that wouldn’t fall down. When we were done, we watched a movie and ate popcorn all cuddled in the cubby together. The kids were beaming.  

build a fort with your little one


Read Your Children A Chapter Book Out Loud  

One of my fondest childhood memories is laying in bed and listening to my dad read the Chronicles of Narnia series to me. My imagination ran wild as I listened and that quality time with my dad was so special. Choose a series together and dive in!   


Get Messy!  

Kids love seeing their parents having fun and acting silly and there’s no better way than to get messy together. Adults normally avoid getting messy so when they do, it’s extra fun for kids! There’s so many ways to get messy; here’s our top ideas!  

  • Water Balloon Fight 
  • Jump on the trampoline with the sprinkler going (add soap so it’s slippery!)  
  • Bake a cake 
  • Make oobleck (all-natural slime) together
Oobleck how to: Mix 1 part water with 1.5 to 2 parts cornstarch. You may wish to start with one cup of water and one and a half cups of cornstarch, then work in more cornstarch if you want a more 'solid' oobleck. 
Optional: Mix in a few drops of food coloring if you want coloured oobleck. 
get messy with your kids



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