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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

April 27, 2023 3 min read

We’ve got the stunning local mama, Danielle, with us today. Dani is a mum to two cheeky cuties, Willow and George, and is an incredibly talented singer. We love the way Dani is such a present, besotted mama and we’re looking forward to hearing her thoughts about motherhood!

dani interview

Okay Dani, let’s break the ice. What’s one thing that makes you feel alive?

There’s too many to name just one for me… giving birth surely made me feel alive, one of the most incredible experiences of my life! Both in the water unmedicated; this was how I wanted it. One in hospital one at home. Both beautiful.
Singing, being around wholesome friends who you feel genuinely care about you, swimming in the ocean holding my breath eyes open, swimming as far as I can under water, dancing with my babies to loud music, ice baths, kissing my man!

Can you believe you became a mum four years ago?! How has motherhood changed you?

It changed me in an instant - when Willow (my first) was born- I viewed the world differently, I viewed everything differently! 
She became number 1 in my life, you then have another baby & the same shift happens all over again- it’s almost like the world stands still for a while when you have your newborn. That’s the baby bubble…
dani interview

Oh those newborn days… what a blur! Having the right things makes it all a tiny bit easier. What would you say are your top three newborn essentials?

For the mums:
1. Comfy nice pjs/ comfy nice clothes to put on just to make you feel not so daggy while you’re healing everywhere… 
2. A biig water bottle- hydration is key!
3. A good baby carrier! 
For the baby:
1. Onesies (that’s all they will wear for a while)
2. Baby camera so you can have a shower! 
3. A good pram! 

Motherhood is a wild ride—a messy, beautiful, ever-changing one! What has been the hardest part of motherhood and how did you deal with it?

Hmmmm… There’s a lot of hardships that come with motherhood.
Probably learning to ask for help if I need it- I found this very difficult being someone who prides herself in being self-sufficient. But learning that sometimes all you need is a midweek girls dinner out of the house - whether that be with bubs or bubs stays at home with dad/trusted family. Girl time with your friends can do wonders for that mumma brain.


Help a sister out! What’s your favourite mum hack?

There’s so many I’ve learnt over the years...but I would have to say my favourite that I encourage every new mumma to do.
Get into a routine of a pram stroll every morning for that morning nap- you will get fresh air & movement into your day & your baby will always be used to having a nap in the pram. I’ve done it with both babies & they could always sleep in the pram everywhere with me 🤌🏽 That means me still bringing my pram down to the beach for my 11 month old big boy haha he loves a pram nap.

With two kids, a husband, and a busy job singing for a living, how do you not lose yourself in it all?

Hmm if I’m being totally honest I think both times I have had a season of losing a lot of myself for a little while. I can’t help it… once that baby is here with all of the bonding, hormones, instincts. You just kind of go into a motherhood mode for a while… buuut! You come back to yourself completely- transformed into a stronger, even better woman than you were before- I can promise you this. It’s totally a ‘surrendering to the season thing.’
I like to think of us women as diamonds & that each person/experience in our lives shines a different light on us which then shows us a different sphere of who we are. It’s all very beautiful, raw at times but beautiful none the less. Being a creative person I do find I need to carve out time for this kind of practice- especially music. Although I’m enjoying doing it with my kids as much as I can. Willow often walks into my music room and says “can we have a jam?” I reply with “of course!” she proceeds to jump on the piano & we jam! Some of my best memories in life are around music so including my kids in this when I can is such a joy. 

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