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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

August 31, 2023 2 min read

Father's Day is just around the corner and today on the journal, we wanted to focus on the dads in our worlds and the impact they have on our little ones! And a shoutout to all the mums who are playing two roles… you are amazing and we honour you!  
Fatherhood can take many forms and look so different. We have Connor, Kayla’s partner, who has been a dad the last 18 months to their little girl, Vera. Connor will share what fatherhood has looked like for him.  


Thinking back to the moment you became a dad for the first time, what did you feel?  

A bouquet of various different emotions, in particular a strong sense of pride and great fullness, but no doubt nervous for the many ‘first times doing everything’ and routine and lifestyle changes.  

What do you love most about being a dad?  

The unwavering love, joy and laughter that your children smother you with constantly. 

What surprised you most about fatherhood?  

How fun it is. Completely surprised still to this day how much more fun my day-to-day life is as a father in comparison to before parenthood.  

What do you find most challenging about being a dad?  

The balance. Working dad, fun dad, routine dad, the parenthood, relationship, work life, personal life balance of fatherhood. No doubt. 

What advice would you give any dads about to step into fatherhood?  

The fact that you will no longer be the most important person in your own life will completely humble you and likely change your perspective of life itself entirely. Allow and welcome the changes to your life with open arms, and be willing to learn every day. Chances are they’ll teach you more about yourself than you ever knew. 

We are so thankful for the dads in our lives! Here are some things our Luvme staff are thankful for about their fathers!  


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