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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

September 18, 2023 2 min read

When you have kids, does the cleaning ever end?! It feels like it never does, am I right? We have found some clever cleaning hacks recently that we discovered and we have to share! Environmental toxins are become more of a threat to our little ones—their little bodies just can’t handle harsh chemicals that are often found in cleaning products. The best part about these hacks is that they are non-toxic and safe around your precious bub!


Lemon/ Bicarb Combo

Say hello to your new fave cleaner: a lemon cut in half and topped with bicarb soda! The citric acid in lemons is perfect to cut through mess and grime! Bicarb is chemically based and reacts with oils and fats to dissolve them. This means that bicarbonate of soda will tackle dirt, grease, oil, and fats easily. Together, these two make a dynamic cleaning combo! Simply rub the lemon on anything you want to clean—it works great in the sink or shower!


DIY Glass Cleaner

Windex/ Glass cleaner is a common household cleaner but it is actually one of the most highly toxic cleaners around! It contains ammonia which isn’t ideal around pregnant women or tiny humans. Make the swap to this all natural-glass and you won’t look back! The best part is that it will only cost you like $0.50 to make!

All you need is: 

1/4 cup white vinegar

1 tsp cornflour

2 cups warm water

A clean glass spray bottle

Mix all ingredients in a glass spray bottle. Shake until cornflour is fully dissolved. Spray and wipe after with a microfibre.


Carpet Deodoriser

Sometimes carpet just needs a bit of a re-fresh! Store bought carpet deodoriser is packed with chemicals and fragrances. When you have a baby crawling especially, the last thing you want is their little bodies covered in toxins. Bicarb is a natural odour neutraliser. Make this simple all-natural carpet refresher instead—it will take you 12 seconds flat (I timed it!)


  • Add one cup of bicarb to a glass jar.
  • Add 10 drops of your favourite essential oil. A citrus oil will add a fresh, bright scent to your rooms!
  • Give the jar a good shake.
  • Sprinkle on carpets and let sit for 30 minutes.
  • Vacuum well.

*Hot tip: Keep a little open jar of this bicarb mixture in the back of your fridge to neutralise odours!


Luvme Baby Wipes

Our baby wipes are our most favourite hack of all time! Baby wipes are THE answer for any household mess! We use them for everythinggggggg, and we mean everything! They have no nasties (not even fragrance!) and are gentle enough to use on faces, hands, bums, floors, benches, tables, toilets, etc. They are the perfect amount of softness and strong enough to handle the messiest of messes! Keeping multiple packs around the house (we have them on our dining table, kitchen, and bathroom!) makes it less of an effort to clean and can help encourage your little ones to clean up a mess when they see it.


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