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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

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Pandas Gold Winner Best Eco Nappy 2024 from $12.99 per pack Shop Now

December 05, 2023 2 min read


Christmas is such a beautiful season for so many reasons! The joy of giving is alive at Christmas and the warm and fuzzies that come from generosity is truly unmatched.

One of the principles Luvme was built on is generosity and our favourite part of the festive season is the opportunity we have as a business to give to those in our community.

Lume partnered with Gardn Church this year to create hampers to add a bit of Christmas magic to families who have had a bit of a tough year. The items in the hampers were donated by local small businesses and pantry staples purchased by the church. The hampers were packed at the Luvme warehouse with lots of love by members of the community! Here’s an inside peak at the Christmas hamper packing!


Luvme loved hosting the Packed with Love hamper campaign—it was such a vibe! There was Christmas music blasting in warehouse two and it was full of people happily packing hampers, with big smiles on their faces.


There was so many kids helping which was so special. Modelling generosity to our kids is the way that they discover the joy of giving! My kids and I helped at the Monday session of the pack and wrap and they loved it. They helped fill hampers with goodies and even my four year old was able to help out. On the way home, we had lots of good conversations about why we help others at Christmas. It was a great opportunity to focus on the real spirit of Christmas which naturally fosters a sense of genuine gratitude in little hearts.  

It was wonderful to see local businesses give so generously of their incredible products to the cause! We were blown away with how many local brands were so eager to donate some of their products and help out. Check them out below!

House of Gabriel donated some delicious home-made jams.

The Beach People gave their famous picnic beach baskets, sarongs, and towels!

Koala Eco donated some essential hand sanitisers.

Ministry of Tea gave so many beautiful boxed teas.

Purabon donated their yummy plant-based protein balls.

..and ofcourse, we made sure to put something in too! We love giving our wipes as a handy essential so we donated our 20pk travel size plant wipes!


Over 270 hampers were packed! As well as the hampers, Gardn organised Santa sacks to be filled with gifts for families all over the region. Families at Gardn church chose anonymous families off a list to buy personalised gifts for—150 of these were packed! The hampers and Santa sacks were picked up by local charities and distributed to the families in need.  


We are so honoured to have been a part of it—the thought of families being able to enjoy Christmas together with a few extra special things makes us so happy! If you want to be involved in next year in packing the hampers (anyone is welcome to help) or by contributing to gifts, let us know!  

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